Posts tagged Bluefin Tuna
GUEST POST: What Makes Long Island Fishing Special and How It Inspired Capt. Anthony Gucciardo (TideRunner Media, to Start His Own Business

A lot of my friends from outside of Long Island always ask… why do you fish so much? What they don’t understand is just how ingrained fishing culture is around here. Growing up on the Island, I was lucky enough to spend time on boats since I was 6 months old. I had a rod in my hands from the time I could walk, and was piloting boats before I knew how to drive a car.

Fishing happens to be in my blood. I have always felt that I took after my grandfather and great-grandfather who both shared the same passion for it that I do today. My earliest fishing memories are actually with my grandfather, who passed away when I was five. Fluke was usually the main target, but he was a different kind of angler. And even back then I learned a lot from him and cherish those memories.

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#NTVArtists - Made in Menhaden: How an Unassuming Baitfish Fuels NY’s Marine Ecosystem (featuring footage + photos from Tim Regan (@SouthForkSalt))

They go by many names - Bunker, Menhaden, American Sardine, Pogy (not Porgy!), Mossbunker, Bug-head, Fat-back. No matter the nomenclature, it is indisputable that these pedestrian-looking baitfish are an important cog in the machine of the marine ecosystem around Long Island. They filter our water, they are an amazing source of omega-3 proteins with a myriad of human-based uses and, perhaps most importantly, menhaden are the primary food source for a lot of our ocean’s top predators. As Paul Greenberg pointed out in his 2009 NY Times Op-Ed, “Nearly every fish a fish eater likes to eat eats menhaden”.

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